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donald From the Class of 1975 Comments: It saddens us to confirm that Dr. Albert Hofmann passed away at his home in Burg outside of Basel, Switzerland today, April 29 2008 at the age of 102 years. Dr. Hofmann was at his home with two of his caretakers, he passed away at 9am local time. Sign Time: May 12, 2008 at 17:44:51 from: |
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Chris Zeiner From the Class of 1979 Comments: Sorry I have been out of touch most of this year. The best of health to Frank M and Don. Anyone up for a quick drink (or 2) in Newark or vicinity (McGoverns works). Best of health to everyone! Sign Time: May 8, 2008 at 19:10:29 from: |
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Frank Melhus From the Class of 1983 Comments: Gerry, I may be late. I have to go to The Bronx this afternoon. See you there. Frank Sign Time: April 15, 2008 at 2:37:42 from: |
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gerry donnelly From the Class of 1985 Comments: Frank, Sorry to hear about your brain anneurism. I hope everything worked out okay. It looks like its just you and me for the 15th but I'll be there. I'll be there by 5:30. Sign Time: April 9, 2008 at 16:10:46 from: |
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Dr F From the Class of 1983 Comments: Glad to hear your home Don. Scary stuff being in the hospital that long. I can relate. I was in the whole month of Sept. 06 with my brain anuerism. I'm up for 4/15 @ McGoverns!!!!!!!! Sign Time: March 22, 2008 at 6:29:12 from: |
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Gerry Donnelly From the Class of 1985 Comments: Don, Glad to hear you're back at home. Anyone up for TAX deadline night at McGovern's, Tues April 15th? Sign Time: March 21, 2008 at 12:56:28 from: |
Visitor's name:
Ken Scuorzo From the Class of 1967 Comments: Welcome home, Don. It's great to hear you're feeling better. More good news, Kevin McCabe is back to work after 11 months recoverying from being struck by a forktruck at Bud where we both work. It's good to have you both back and I hope to tip a few brews with you guys soon. Sign Time: March 19, 2008 at 7:38:20 from: |
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donald morrison From the Class of 1975 Comments: well I home. Thank everbody for their well wishes. Sign Time: March 19, 2008 at 4:4:46 from: |
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Gerry Donnelly From the Class of 1985 Comments: Kelly, Just read the post. Any news on Don? Hope everything worked out. Anyone going to McGoverns today? Sign Time: March 17, 2008 at 7:14:53 from: |
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Kelly Giblin From the Class of 1979 Comments: To all: Don Morrison has been in Clara Maass Medical Center in Belleville for nearly three weeks with a very serious bacterial infection, and his prognosis is guarded. Please drop him a note or a call if you have the chance. The main number at Clara Maass is 973-450-2000. Sign Time: February 27, 2008 at 19:10:47 from: |
Visitor's name:
Joe DiMaggio From the Class of 1968 Comments: We have a lot of info that is not correct, and email addresses that are out of date. So, take a minute and fill out the registration form to update your info. The link is on the main page. Sign Time: January 31, 2008 at 5:20:19 from: |
Visitor's name:
Gary Forgotson From the Class of 1970 Comments: Looking over the brotherhood list. Would have been honored to have pledged with Gonder, however I came in the following year. Would have been easier on my ass if I had indeed pledged WITH Pat than a year later.I came in with John Parisi, fall of 1970 Sign Time: January 30, 2008 at 19:38:21 from: |
Visitor's name:
Joe DiMaggio From the Class of 1968 Comments: Just got my copy of The DVD. Wow, great job. Quality is excellent. The clip on the web site does not do it justice. Nice Job Bruce! Sign Time: January 22, 2008 at 9:52:8 from: |
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Frank Melhus aka Dr. F From the Class of 1983 Comments: I got my DVD yesterday. Great Job Bruce!!!!!! Alot of priceless moments and fond memories. Sign Time: January 16, 2008 at 17:36:14 from: |
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ken scuorzo From the Class of 1967 Comments: I have seen the whole Tau ambda Chi movie and it's a real keepsake. Bruce did a great job producing this collage of our fraternitie's past brothers in the familiar settings we all remember. Nice job Bruce. Sign Time: January 11, 2008 at 8:40:2 from: |
Visitor's name:
Ken Scuorzo From the Class of 1967 Comments: Does anyone have any photos taken during the summer reunion at St. Clements? If so please contact me so we can compile a bunch of photos and post them on this site. Thanks. Ken Sign Time: January 3, 2008 at 7:55:8 from: |
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Chris Zeiner From the Class of 1979 Comments: A healthy and happy new year to all of you and your families. Sign Time: January 2, 2008 at 18:40:45 from: |
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Ken Scuorzo From the Class of 1967 Comments: HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my Tau Lambda Chi bro's. I hope this year brings all the best to you and your families and I hope we can get together to share a brew or two in the very near future. Best regards Ken Sign Time: January 1, 2008 at 8:26:11 from: |
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Hippie From the Class of 1974 Comments: No, drugs and alcohol did not kill me and never will! I am too good for that. Kelly, I never drank warm Miller Lite nips in my life (or I don't remember?). My beer has to be at least 8% or better. Oh, Kelly, I do not now and never have had a dusty butt!!! Anyway, I am a college student that was invited to join the Honor Society at Northshore Community College in Lynn,Ma. I am moving 2 PA to meet my 9 and 1/2 y/o daughter and be subjected to rules and regulations that shall be stipulated upon me by the technological society that we now exist under! George Orwell! What a visionary U were(U R dead,right?) Big Brother has arrived!! It's name is computers! But Webporn is cool! See, it is a tradeoff. I wish you all a verry wild , crazy, orgiastic New Years Eve! If U accomplish this then, U must report to this website ASAP! God Bless all of you nut cases! Sign Time: December 28, 2007 at 23:18:4 from: |
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Santa's Elf From the Class of 1983 Comments: and also a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!! Sign Time: December 27, 2007 at 16:42:4 from: |
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